Archive for May, 2016

Why does Michigan’s Attorney General refuse to meet with a State Representative and a Supporter?

Dianda Schuette Sommerfield

Bill Schuette – Michigan’s Attorney General received a letter from Scott Dianda – State Representative (110th District) on March 10, 2016 requesting the AG Schuette investigate the controversial Capitol View Building’s – real estate transaction.  The building is to be the new office location for Michigan’s State Senators.

Here is a link to view the letter;  Dianda letter to Schuette 3-10-16 

After sending the letter to AG Schuette, Rep. Dianda and his staff have contacted AG Schuette’s office numerous times requesting not only a response to his letter, but to request a meeting.  As of this date, the AG Schuette’s office has not responded to Rep. Dianda at all, (going on three (3) months since receiving the letter from Rep. Dianda.)

Schuette supporter and constituent, Brian Sommerfield has been invited by Rep. Dianda to attend the meeting with AG Schuette.

Sommerfield has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from California State University – San Bernardino with a concentration in public accounting.  Sommerfield has an extensive business background with over 28 years in tax accounting, owning numerous businesses and being politically engaged and supportive of AG Schuette in the past.

Why does Michigan’s Attorney General refuse to meet with a State Representative and a supporter constituent?

Maybe AG Schuette has seen this investigative news report by WXYZ in Detroit and doesn’t want to perform his own investigation?

You can see the investigative news report at this link;  WXYZ News Investigative Report


ACRP Minutes – April 18th Meeting

Antrim County Republican Party – Monthly Meeting April 18th, 2016;

Meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Randy Bishop – Chairman

Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer by County Commissioner – Christian Marcus

Treasurer Report – State Campaign Account $x,xxx.xx and Corporate Account $x,xxx.xx (not disclosed on-line).

Secretary Report – None due to March meeting was the County Convention

Gerald Averill spoke about attending the MRP State Convention in Lansing.

Cherie Hogan was a ballot counter at the 1st Congressional District Caucus and spoke about how fair and above board the process was in electing the Delegates and Alternates to represent us at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Kasich – Delegate elected was Judi Schwalbach, Alternate elected was Randy Bishop

Cruz – Delegate elected was Ray Franz, Alternate elected was Sandy Call.

Trump – Delegate elected was Ed McBroom, Alternate elected was John Haggard.

Discussed “At Large Delegates” elected by MRP.

Rob Steele was elected the new RNC National Committeeman, and Kathleen Berden was re-elected RNC National Committeewoman.

Discussed upcoming state primaries for the Presidential race.

Numerous party members are running for elected office and discussed filing paperwork for to be an elected Precinct Delegate by May 3rd, 2016 at 4:00 pm.

4th Annual “Golf/Fun Day” got moved forward to Saturday, July 9th, 2016 due to conflict with the RNC Convention.

Team Leaders are needed from each Township/Village/City for the outing.  Prices same this year; $75 for Golfers (includes BBQ) and $25 BBQ only, at The Chief Golf Course in Bellaire across from Shanty Creek.

County Clerk – Sheryl Guy read the openings for Township Trustees and announced many new County Commissioners candidates.

A motion was made by Steve Grill, supported by Mike Bertram; “To make public a list of filed candidates as to who are paid members to the ACRP and those who are not”;

Discussion was held;
Sherry Comben – Suggested of giving notice to those candidates who are not members yet.
Jim Gurr -said this was a bad idea.
Brenda Ricksgers – Suggested having the list of candidates with an invite to those who are not members.
Kim MacMaster – We will mail all those who have filed, if the motion passes and add it to the by-laws in January.
Randy Bishop – Asked County Clerk – Sheryl Guy to provide a link to all those candidates who filed to run for office.

Discussion was closed, motion failed.  Chairman said we will mail out invitations to join the ACRP to all of the candidates anyway.

Motion to adjourn by Bob Ricksgers, supported Mike Bertram at 9:02 pm which passed unanimously.

Antrim County Republican Candidates running for Elected Office

Antrim County - Old Map

( * Unopposed in Republican primary on August 2, 2016 – General Election only on November 8, 2016)


Prosecuting Attorney
James L. Rossiter – Republican *  4600 Powell Lane, Kewadin, MI 49648 231-357-2425

Daniel S. Bean – Republican * 744 Korr Road, Mancelona, MI 49659 231-564-0634

County Clerk
Sheryl Guy – Republican * PO Box 472 507 Green Acres, Bellaire, MI 49615 231-533-6554

County Treasurer
Sherry Comben – Republican * 3350 Oslund Road, Bellaire, MI 49615 231- 533-8301

Register of Deeds
Patty Niepoth – Republican * 834 S. Intermediate Lake Road, Bellaire, MI 49615 231-350-2672

Drain Commissioner
Mark Stone – Republican * 331 US 31 S. Kewadin, MI 49648 231-409-3466

County Surveyor
Scott Papineau – Republican * 4201 N. M-88, Central Lake, MI 49622 231-544-8020


District #1

David L. Heeres – Republican 6323 East Jordan Road, Ellsworth, MI 49729 231-675-7741

Marvin Rubingh – Republican 8022 Rubingh Road, Ellsworth, MI 49729 231-588-6084

District #2

William Bailey –Republican 1592 N. Intermediate Lake Road, Central Lake, MI 49622 231-920-6710

Randy Gothrup – Republican 3490 Vandermark Road, Bellaire, MI 49615 231-350-3050

Melissa Zelenak – Republican 1966 S. Main, Central Lake, MI 49622 231-350-1778

District #3

Karen Bargy – Republican 4931 Cairn Hwy., Kewadin, MI 49648 231-357-2460

Kim MacMaster – Republican 5966 Beaver Creek Trail, Kewadin, MI 49648 989-600-8623

District #4

Ed Boettcher – Republican 11476 Cabana Shore Road, Williamsburg, MI 49690 231-463-4555

William D. White – Republican 10593 U.S. 31, Williamsburg, MI 49690 231-645-2519

District #5

Michael G. Bertram – Republican 7741 S M-88 Hwy., Mancelona, MI 49659 231-620-5111

Bryan Smith – Republican 3657 Shumaker Road, Bellaire, MI 49615 231-676-0726

District #6

Jim Gurr – Republican 8548 Helena Road, Alden, MI 49612 231-331-6394

Brenda Ricksgers – Republican 4236 Ricksgers Road, Alden, MI 49612 231-331-4011

District #7

Dawn Lavanway – Republican 126 Garner Road, East Jordan, MI 49727 231-536-3157

James B. Peters – Republican 2474 Adams Road, East Jordan, MI 49727 231-463-8025

District #8

Ron Allen – Republican 2730 Doerr Road, Mancelona, MI 49659 231-564-0265

Scott Kruger – Republican 10517 S. Johnson, Mancelona, MI 49659 231-342-7262

District #9

Christian K. Marcus – Republican * 9910 Alba Hwy., Elmira, MI 49730 231-584-3200


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