Archive for January, 2019

We IMPLORE President Donald Trump to rescind his personal residency from New York,…NOW!!!

Pink lit spire of New York's One World Trade Center, 408 foot celebration of the just passed He

The Antrim County Conservative Union’s Executive Board voted unanimously, that our Pro-Life President, Donald J. Trump must rebuke his home state of New York’s most recent actions and rescind his personal residency of New York,…immediately!!!

On the 46th Anniversary of the United States Supreme Court wrongly decided case known as Roe vs. Wade, Tuesday, January 22, 2019;

President Donald J. Trump’s home state of New York passed “The Reproductive Health Act”, which legalized the
late term aborting of a baby up and until it’s due date.  

Watch this short video from a Florida ProLife Board Certified OB/GYN at this YouTube link;

These barbaric acts as passed by the New York State Assembly and signed into law by it’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo, were celebrated by many of New York’s landmark buildings being lit in “Pink Lights”. Please read this article from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Center;

We, therefore, ask our President to join us in our outrage and demonstrate his disgust with his “Home State” of New York by changing his personal residency to another State in America.

Mr. President,…you already own a personal residence in Florida and they don’t have any State Income Tax either!!!

Antrim County Conservative Union – “Letter to the Editor”

The Antrim County Conservative Union is a new organization and has been set up as an advocacy/educational group to provide the conservative view to the Antrim County Republican Party to ensure it moves in the right direction and supports Conservative candidates and policies.

It is affiliated with both the State and National Conservative Unions.

It’s web site is

Currently it is one of 31 county Conservative Unions being established in Michigan. Eventually, one is planned for every county in the State.

It meets the third Monday of every month, 7:30 – 9:00 pm at the Forest Home Twp Office, where the Antrim County Republican Party used to gather.

It’s objective is not to replace the Antrim County Republican Party, but to help guide it and help the People know the positions of candidates for office. With knowledge comes good political decisions.

The Antrim County Conservative Union (a 501C-4) will raise funds and make them available to educate the public on issues and the positions of candidates.  The identities of all donors will be kept secret to prevent “Obama-ites” from boycotting businesses or other such mischief.

In short order, I believe it will become the premier political organization in Antrim County and as such Unions are established in other counties, with major grass roots members, they all will be seen as the REAL Conservative organizations in Michigan.

I hope you will attend its next meeting and become a member.

RK Barton
Bellaire, Michigan 


  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, August 12th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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