Sponsors so far;

97.7 FM – WCHY, Cheboygan
Friske’s Farm Market – Great Apples!!!
DEADLINE TO REGISTER; Monday, April 22nd, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (Materials need to be ordered and are included in the $49 cost).
Come and get trained on Robert’s Rules of Order, which is the 19th Century para-parliamentary protocols that every elected board/commission and Fortune 500 corporations use to conduct their meetings.
This crash course/training workshop will educate you on these “Rules” that must be followed in order to run productive meetings and to arm you with the information to hold organizations and boards accountable.
To register, simply go to the top right side of our website;

SIMPLE AS 1-2-3(-4)
1. Subscribe to our email blasts.
2. Click on the Yellow Donate Button
3. Donate $49.00 for each attendee
(4. If you attended a previous class and have
the books & guide, just Donate $10.00
to attend this class.)
NOTE; Price includes the Robert’s Rules QuickStart Guide Book,
and a six (6) page laminated QuickStudy reference guide.
Link to Robert’s Rules QuickStart Guide Book
Link to Robert’s Rules of Order QuickStudy Guide
A copy of Michigan’s State Constitution will be provided and will be used as part of the training.

Location; Gloria Coles Flint Public Library, (2nd Floor)
1026 E. Kearsley Street, Flint, MI 48503
