Archive for March, 2019

Brand NEW newspaper in Antrim County!!!

Antrim County, Michigan
March 31, 2019

Antrim County will have a brand NEW newspaper very soon! Click on the link to read our first issue;


Another GREAT meeting of the ACCU!!!

The Antrim County Conservative Union held their monthly meeting this past Monday (3rd Monday of the month) March 18th, 2019 at the Forest Home Township Hall.

More guests attended the meeting for the very first time and ended up becoming paid members.

Many topics were discussed and will be in the Secretary’s Report and posted on this website.

Please consider attending our next monthly meeting, on Monday April 15th, 2019 at 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Forest Home Township Hall, 321 N. Bridge Street, Bellaire, MI.

Come join us!!!

ACCU – February, 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Click on this link to read the monthly minutes for the February, 2019 meeting;

“Letter to the Editors”; Newspapers in Antrim County, Thursday 3-14-19

Dear Editor,

The Antrim County Conservative Union (ACCU) is totally AGAINST Gov. Whitmer’s proposed state budget of $60.2 Billion (3.6% INCREASE over Michigan’s current budget) and her proposed $.45 per gallon INCREASE in our fuel taxes ($10 extra on every average fill-up), which would become the highest in America.

After being the ONLY state in the Country to lose population (2010 U.S. Census) we will once again see Michigan losing population after the 2020 census.

The over taxation, wasteful spending and outdated models operating in Lansing,…MUST STOP NOW!

ACCU believes that Lansing must perform a “forensic accounting” of EVERY department and reduce their budgets, to find the dollars necessary to repair our roads and bridges, WITHOUT raising our state’s budget/fuel taxes any further.

Michigan needs to pass reforms to; a) Cut our car insurance rates, by 50%. (Michigan is #1 in having the highest rates in America) b) Lower our electric rates by eliminating the current 90% monopoly. c) Eliminate our State’s Income Tax. d) Return Lansing to a Part-Time Legislature, which we had until 1963.

ACCU meets the 3rd Monday of each month (next meeting 3-18-19), at the Forest Home Township Hall, in Bellaire at 7:30 pm.

Randy Bishop
ACCU – Chairman
Visit our website at;

  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, August 12th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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