Archive for February, 2016

Resolution in Support of Campaign Finance Reform as Sponsored by Kim MacMaster

Resolution in Support of Campaign Finance Reform

Sponsor: Kim MacMaster

Kim MacMaster

Whereas: Elected policy makers are put in place to serve the needs of their constituents;

Whereas: Elected officials are put at a disadvantage before they begin their first day due to the high cost of campaigning and contributions by special interests and lobbyists as current campaign laws allow;

Whereas: Republicans throughout Michigan recognize the need for state based Campaign Finance Reform;

Whereas: The will of the average voter is often misled due to big expenditures stemming from difficult to identify entities spending extraordinary amounts of money to sway the public prior to elections;

Whereas: Voters across Michigan are disillusioned by the role they see money playing in the states elections;

Therefore, this body does hereby support the notion of a ballot initiative to address the need for campaign finance reform in Michigan.

ACRP Unanimously Passes Resolution for Congressman Benishek and others to introduce “Articles of Impeachment” of President Obama!!!


Alden Parade Smaller

Resolution in Support of the introduction of “Articles of Impeachment” against President Obama

WHEREAS, evidence exists to support the charge that Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud; and,

WHEREAS, additional evidence supports the charge that Barack Hussein Obama is further guilty of Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office; and,

WHEREAS, further evidence suggests that Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States; and,

WHEREAS, such high crimes, constitutional offenses and intrusions committed by numerous members of the Obama Administration, under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama, violates the Republican platform of Constitutional self-governance guaranteed every State and every legal American citizen; and,

WHEREAS, the conduct has caused and continues to cause great harm to citizens of the United States by way of unsustainable national debt, unsecured borders, increased national security threats, and open threat to the peace and tranquility of life in the United States, as well as an assault on States and Individual Rights protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and threatens the health and well-being of our beloved country, states, counties, towns, and fellow citizens;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Antrim County Republican Executive Committee and it’s members strongly support the Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama and all involved in these crimes, as carefully researched and prepared by The North American Law Center and presented to Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives, for formal introduction to the House Judiciary Committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Antrim County Republican Executive Committee and it’s members strongly calls upon every Republican Representative from the Great State of Michigan, especially our retiring U.S. Congressman from our 1st District – Dan Benishek (R) to take immediate action, in accordance with your oaths of office, to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, placing the subject proposed Articles of Impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee to launch an investigation into the criminal acts evidenced and charged in the prepared said Articles, and demands that the Republican Party’s platform be followed by all elected Republicans.

Passed UNANMINOUSLY (42 – 0) of those in attendance this 15th day of February, 2016

By Order of the Antrim County Republican Executive Committee and it’s Members

Randy Bishop – Chairman

Elected officials in attendance; State Representative – Triston Cole, former State Representative – Greg MacMaster, Antrim County Treasurer – Sherry Comben, Antrim County Clerk – Sheryl Guy, 1st Congressional District and Michigan Republican Party State Committeewoman – Kimberly MacMaster

IMPORTANT – Monthly Meeting – February 15, 2016 @ 7:30 – 9:00 pm

The Antrim County Republican Party will have J.B. Williams of the North American Law Center as a guest presenter to discuss their 14 page document which contains 48 specific impeachable offenses that our current President Barack Obama has committed;

Click on this link to review their document  NALC Articles of Impeachment for President Obama


Additionally, a resolution will be introduced for approval by those attending the meeting;

Click on this link to review the resolution;

2-15-16 Antrim County Republican Party’s Resolution in Support of Impeachment of President Obama

  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, October 14th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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