Archive for March, 2018

2018 Precinct Delegate Apportionment Report

Dear Antrim County Republicans;

Today, I have completed and filed the below 2018 Precinct Delegate Apportionment Report with the Antrim County Clerk – Sheryl Guy (R) and the Michigan Republican Party.

Please review it and consider volunteering to be a Republican Precinct Delegate, starting this year via the August 7th, 2018 primary election.

Click on the link below to view the apportionment report; (which shows the total number of Precinct Delegates our Republican Party can elect in each Township within Antrim County)

2018 Precinct Delegate Apportionment Report

Please email me at; to inform me of your interest and I will reply back with the form that needs to be notarized and returned to your Township Clerk or Antrim County’s Clerk, before May 8th, 2018 at 4:00 pm.

Or, you can obtain the form by clicking on the link below;
(Please email me and let me know that you will be filing with this form – Email me at;

We are looking forward to filling all of our Precinct Delegate positions this year,…and helping our Republican candidates win in the November 6th, 2018 general election!!!

Randy Bishop – Chairman
Antrim County Republican Party


ACRP – February’s Monthly Meeting – Minutes

Date: Monday, February 19, 2018
Place: Forest Home Township Hall, Bellaire

At 7:30pm Chairman Randy Bishop opened the meeting with the pledge of allegience followed by the
invocation given by Jim Gurr.

Treasurer Report: Gregg Valerio, motion to approve Mike Bertram, 2nd Christian Marcus, all approved.
Secretary Report: Cherie Hogan, motion to approve Dr. Hoadley, second Gregg Valerio, all approved.

Randy and Jim Gurr gave clarification on the 1st District’s early endorsements of Republican candidates
running for various positions in the primary.  Jim verified that despite his warning that the primaries
should be allowed to play out.  However, Bill Schuette, candidate for governor and Tom Leonard, candidate
for attorney general, BOTH received early endorsements from the 1st CD Executive Committee via a roll coll vote conducted by a conference call led by 1st District Chair Jesse Osmer.

Discussion revolved around the time and money being invested by the various candidates running for positions and the push by the establishment to predetermine winners and losers without input from delegates and the public.

Regarding the first ever Antrim County Republican Party’s 2018 Governor’s Dinner/Debate, Thursday, June 28th at Shanty Creek.

Randy joked that Carter Bundy, Bill Schuette’s campaign manager, will be sent four cardboard cut-outs of Bill Schuette’s to pick from for the ACRP to use in front of the empty chair that will be placed on the debate stage should Mr. Schuette choose not to attend this event. It should be noted that John Haggard, Charlevoix County campaign manager for Bill Schuette has already purchased two (2) $100 tickets for the event.

Guest Speaker – Bob Cooney, proscecuting attorney for Grand Traverse County is running for 86th District Court Judge and gave his history, why he is running, and answered many questions from the audience about how the system works, it’s shortcomings and his ideas on how to correct some of the problems.

There was a long discussion on debate format for the June debate. Randy tapped Dawn Lavanway, Tom Stillings, Greg MacMaster so far for the committee. Topics suggested were car insurance rates, electric rates, state income tax, education inequality, health care, roads.

Jack Bodis from Creative Characters in Central Lake will print the program for the event. Randy explained the paid sponsorships (red,white,blue) in the brochure. Brad Brown donated $100 to help with the cost of the flyers.

Motion by Christian Marcus, second by Jim Gurr not to give free tickets and a $500 ad to each candidate that participates, however during discussion Mike Bertam amended the motion to give each candidate two (2) free VIP’s tickets but not the accompanying $500 ad.

Motion passed with Randy voting NO.

Randy set up three committees;
Mike Bertram agreed to be the ‘Events Coordinator’ for our event.
Patty Niepoth was designated ‘Get Out The Vote’ (GOTV) Chair in abstentia (Jim Gurr volunteered to help).
Cherie Hogan is ACRP Membership Chair.

Precinct delegate forms are due by 4pm – May 8th, 2018.

Monday, February 26, there is a Governors townhall forum at Streeters in Traverse City.

Randy gave a brief synopsis about the Cheboygan Tars group and Elk Rapids student, Nicolas Wilcox, is the new face of the Antrim County Tars group. Facebook page is already set up by Randy.

Motion to adjourn was made by Steve Grill, second Donna Grill. Meeting ended at 9:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted by;

Cherie Hogan – ACRP Secretary

  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, August 12th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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