Archive for November, 2014

Many Republicans In Michigan House,…Standing By Their Original Road Plan

MIRS LogoThe less ambitious road-funding plan the House sent to the Senate in May might be a thing of the past, but it’s still the plan many House Republicans prefer and aren’t giving up on.

Last week, the Senate took the House bill that would have changed the state’s flat gas tax to a 6 percent tax based on the wholesale price and increased the tax rate to produce more revenue for roads.

By the time the Senate’s version of Click to add MIRS Bill Hound HB 5477 is completely phased in in 2018, the changes would bring in about $1.2 billion in extra revenue each year and a tax rate of 15.5 percent.

That’s a large jump from the 6 percent rate the House had originally proposed. And it’s a jump many House Republicans aren’t willing to take.

“I think they’ve sent us back something that’s over done,” Rep. Kevin DALEY (R-Lum) said of the plan. “I don’t think we need to put in that much more.”

And Daley is far from the only House Republican who’s working on transportation issues and feels that way.

“I’m standing with the House package,” as Rep. Peter PETTALIA (R-Presque Isle) said. He added, “I am very confident that my constituents do not want an increase.”

The Senate’s version of the larger transportation funding package would bring in about $1.3 billion in extra revenue for roads and bridges by 2018. The House’s original plan would have brought in about $500 million extra.

As the House prepares to consider the Senate proposal, MIRS talked to eight of the nine Republicans on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. None of the eight were quick to speak out in support of the Senate plan.

They either wanted changes or felt the 15.5 percent wholesale rate was too high.

Two schools of thought seems to be developing among House Republicans:

– Stand by the original plan the chamber sent to the Senate

– Look for a compromise that’s somewhere between what the House passed and what the Senate passed.

Transportation Committee member Kurt HEISE(R-Plymouth) said many House Republicans feel that they’ve already made their decision on road funding and that decision was to go with the $500 million plan.

Heise has concerns about the money going to mass transit under the Senate plan. And like many in the House GOP, Heise also has concerns that the Senate plan would pump too much money into road construction efforts too quickly. That could push up prices and perhaps create more work than the industry can effectively handle.

Likewise, Rep. Mike MCCREADY (R-Birmingham) said the Legislature should be careful about how it uses tax dollars. The state should allow road builders to ramp up over time to meet the new demand in order to best use the extra funding coming their way.

McCready said he thought the House plan would have allowed for a reasonable implementation timeline and for work to still get completed.

“I thought that was a great start,” said McCready, who cautioned he’s still digging into the details of a Senate plan, that gets close to the dollar amount transportation interest groups says needs to be invested in Michigan’s ailing roads.

Rep. Ben GLARDON (R-Owosso), majority vice chair of the House transportation committee, said he’s keeping an open mind about the Senate plan.

However, Glardon said he hopes the Legislature can come up with a different, long-term solution that doesn’t dump money into the construction efforts too quickly.

Glardon said he’s also not sure about doubling the gas tax.

Similarly, Rep. Dan LAUWERS (R-Brockway) said he doesn’t agree with the tax increase in the Senate plan. He also wants to see the new dollars flow to the road construction efforts more slowly to give the industry time to ramp up.

The slower implementation timeline, Lauwers said, would give lawmakers time to figure out if the extra dollars were having the impact they’re suppose to.

“Let’s see them walk before they run,” Lauwers said.

Other Republicans on the transportation committee voiced other concerns.

Rep. Margaret OBRIEN(R-Portage) said she wants to see equity among vehicles whether it’s a hybrid or another alternative fuel vehicle. Those vehicles may use less gas so their owners could pay less in tax under the Senate plan.

“I just want to make sure that we’ve got a system that’s equitable, competitive and will be long term,” she said. “I don’t want a three-or four-year fix, but will actually work for the future.”

Protections to make sure the new revenue is going to roads and not other expenses are important to Rep. Brad JACOBSEN (R-Oxford).

Jacobsen said upping the tax to 9 percent may be OK, but 15.5 percent may be too much.

But he also said he’s happy that the Senate responded to the House’s proposal.

“Now we need to come up with a compromise,” he said.

Minutes – October 20, 2014 ACRP Monthly Meeting

ACRP Meeting Minutes for October 20, 2014  Forest Home Twp. Hall

7:35 Chairman Randy Bishop: Meeting called to order, prayer, pledge, introduced Treasurer: Betsy Argo,  Secretary: Priscilla Miller, Vice Chair: Laura Bogdan, absent.

Stressed importance of getting out the vote, urged members to reach out to friends, neighbors and family members, played ‘Sweep the Senate’ video. Media trying to depict Terry Lynn Land, as losing. RNC withdrew money from Land’s campaign because she has out raised Peters, funds were diverted to other senate candidates.  Six out of ten candidates in Senate race, are tied.  Crucial for GOP to take the Senate.

State Representative Wayne Schmidt,  of 104th District addressed members: Introduced himself, and commented on upcoming election races.

Barb Bradford: Expressed concern over Schmidt’s voting record,  questioned whether he was a conservative. Maryanne Jorgensen:  Not so worried about the past,  suggests we look to the future, concentrate on preventing illegals from coming into Michigan, fixing our roads.

Steve Grill:  Has been a conservative Republican for 45 years, because of Schmidt’s negative ads, personal attacks, and “Chicago style” campaigning, against his opponent in the primary, will not vote for him. One phone call from Schmidt could have stopped the negative ads. Only way to stop these kind of ads, is to stop voting for candidates that allow them! Wants issue driven campaigns.

Christian Marcus: Lost a lot of respect for Schmidt, when he mentioned the “Koch Bros.”. on the radio, in connection with American’s For Prosperity’ contributing to MacMaster’s campaign, totally unnecessary, did exactly what the Democrats do to our candidates. Liked bill introduced earmarking gas taxes going to roads. Liked his introduction of HB 5167 forcing Road Commissioners to accept competitive bids on projects over $100,000. Discussed Healthy Michigan reforms and repealing Obamacare.

Cherri Hogan: Expressed voter’s disillusionment with government officials. Lawmakers don’t listen to voters. Discussed possible vote in lame duck session on Elliot Larson Amendment (protected class status for Gays and Lesbians) and efforts to include in a ‘religious freedom clause.  Randy Bishop:  Never been a lawsuit alleging discrimination, because of sexual preference. Trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. If Elliot Larson passes, Christian business owners will be targeted by Gays, resulting in lawsuits.

Don Lukins: Voters want to know what Schmidt stands for. Tom Stillings: Wanted to know what Schmidt was thinking when he introduced bill calling for traffic cameras? Bill Bailey: Road tax money used for projects other that fixing roads, then we are told they are out of money and need to raise more taxes. Expressed concern over private property rights.

Greg MacMaster: “How far does one have to go ethically and morally before it becomes irresponsible for that person to carry an R next to their name? Pointed out the personal attacks used by Schmidt’s campaign against him.  MacMaster ran a clean campaign, based on issues. Asked why he should vote for Schmidt? Schmidt replied that he would continue to move the Republican agenda forward.

 Kim MacMaster:  As Greg’s Campaign Mgr. did not condone, or permit one personal attack against Schmidt or his family.  Asked if he regretted the way his campaign was run? Schmidt replied, he ran the campaign and “it was a good campaign”!

Dr. Hoadley: Do you have any remorse for what other people, or groups did in your name? Schmidt replied,”I didn’t do it, I didn’t let it happen.” Ed Boettcher: Thanked Schmidt for coming to the meeting.

Discussion ensued on Elk Rapids Township Board Recall as a  result of board members   looking at other options for Ambulance service. in effort to be fiscally responsible.Tom Stillings: Simply looking to make a better deal for the public should never be a reason for a recall.

Motion by Graydon De Camp, to have all Precinct Delegates present, vote on whether to support the three Republicans being recalled. 2nd: Maryanne Jorgensen. Randy moved, that all precinct delegates take a vote to allow all ACRP members a vote on the motion. Passed.

Randy: Motion that “we as a party, put out a press release in support of all three elected Republicans involved in the Elk Rapids recall, and call on all Republicans in Elk Rapids Twp. to vote for them on November 4th.”

Motion passed unanimously.

$ 2500. from ACRP State Account, went to Triston Cole’s campaign and $ 300. to Dawn LaVanway’s campaign for 7th District – County Commissioner.

Dawn returned the contribution, for purpose of running a 1/2 page ad in Elk Rapids News in support of the recalled candidates.

We thanked Maryanne Jorgensen for finding the ACRP sign office building in Elk Rapids.

9:10 p.m. Motion to adjourn: Tom Sommerfeldt,  2nd. Jim Gurr

Only TWO (2) Counties in MI’s 1st Congressional District REALLY got out the vote for Gov. Snyder,…Antrim & Emmet!!!

MI 1st CD - 2014Despite claims that voter turnout would be above 2010 levels, perhaps turning the Michigan governor’s race into a toss-up, turnout was actually down across Michigan Tuesday and Republican Gov. Rick Snyder won handily.

Former Democratic Rep. Mark Schauer did far better than Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero did in 2010, winning 14 counties to Bernero’s four, but turnout in the state’s Democratic strongholds didn’t materialize. In fact, 10,000 fewer Detroit voters, who gave Schauer 92 percent of the vote, cast ballots Tuesday compared to 2010.

And in Oakland County, the state’s second most populous county, Snyder saw his huge 2010 margin shrink — but he still won by over 56,000 votes.

Statewide, turnout was about 42 percent, down from the nearly 45 percent who voted in 2010. Midterm elections across the country typically generate far less interest; on average, there are 1.4 million more Michigan voters during Presidential elections since 1996.

The dark red counties are those where Snyder captured more than 60 percent of the vote; light red are where Snyder won by a lesser margin.

No dark blue counties did Schauer get 60 percent of the vote; Only 4 light blue counties in the U.P. did Schauer win with less than 60% of the vote;

Gov. Rick Snyder

  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, October 14th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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