Archive for November, 2017

Michigan FairTax Association endorses Patrick Colbeck’s tax policy for Governor in 2018!!!

Click on the link below to see the press release from the Michigan FairTax Association, endorsing Patrick Colbeck’s tax policy for Governor in 2018 based on his principled solutions to eliminate Michigan’s State Income Tax, which also taxes our Senior’s pensions;

MIFTA Endorsement of Patrick Colbeck for Governor 11-20-17


October, 2017 – Minutes to ACRP Monthly Meeting

October’s 2017 ACRP Monthly Meeting;

Monday,  October 23rd, 2017  at the Kearney Township Hall.  Meeting called to order by Chairman Randy Bishop at 7:06 pm. Pledge led by Chairman, invocation by Pastor Jerry from Eastport Baptist Church.

Treasurer report read by Gregg Valerio, motion to approve by Brenda Ricksgers, 2nd by Barb Bradford, all approved.

Secretary report read by Cheri Hogan, motion to approve by Brian Smith, second by Christian Marcus, all approved.

Chairman Randy Bishop gave a brief summary of several ballot initiatives orchestrated by Democrats with the intent of driving their base to the polls in 2018, i.e., shut down of Enbridge pipeline, minimum wage hikes, redistricting by citizens not elected officials, to name a few to be aware of.  Also, repealing prevailing wage will be on the ballot by Fiscal Conservatives.  Discussion followed each one.

Randy explained to the audience several candidates either running for office or considering running are;  Senator Pat Colbeck and Bill Shuette (Calley has yet to announce) running for governor, challengers to Debbie Stabenow include businessman and former veteran John James and former Michigan Supreme Court Judge Bob Young, Fred Upton a possibility and Randy stated that Kid Rock is not going to run.

Randy introduced Professor William Wagner from Salt and Light Global and Great Lakes Justice Center, who spoke for over an hour to those in attendance about many examples of how the activist judges on the United States Supreme Court (and now other activist judges in the lower courts) have invented and inserted the fake ‘right’ of personal identity/privacy/autonomy and inserted it into their interpretation of the Constitution…a ‘right’ that our Founding Fathers never had in mind.

Professor Wagner also explained that each branch of our government, must get it’s “Power” source from our U.S. Constitution.  If there is no provision for such power contained in our Constitution, then they can NOT carry out that particular activity.

The ACRP provided Apple Cider, Coffee and donuts,….Barb Bradford and Joan Brown made homemade sweets to share with everyone.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by,
Cherie Hogan – ACRP Secretary

  • Next Monthly Meeting; Monday, October 14th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location; Torch Lake Twp. Hall

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