“With the departure of 37th District Senator Howard Walker, it is extremely important for the residents of Traverse City, Grand Traverse County and Northwest Michigan to have a strong and effective voice in the Michigan Senate that can represent our concerns and interests.
“Representative Greg MacMaster is the strong voice who will represent us well in Lansing and for that reason, I am endorsing his campaign for the 37th State Senate seat.
“Local government has done an excellent job in dealing with our core issues but it will take strong Lansing leadership to deal with infrastructure, education and natural resources issues.
“I feel that Representative MacMaster’s plan of funding infrastructure first through saving in other expenditures is the approach favored by most northern Michigan voters.
“Representative MacMaster also realizes that our lowest funded school districts need assistance in reducing the funding gaps between excessively funded and under-funded schools and Greg is strongly committed to the preservation of our environment and the protection and expansion of outdoor recreation.
“I hope the good citizens of the 37th Senate District will join me in supporting Representative Greg MacMaster as our next State Senator.”