Antrim County Republican Party Minutes for June 16, 2014 monthly meeting;

7:35 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairman – Randy Bishop, Prayer by Christian Marcus, Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction of officers – Welcome two guests from Gaylord, one from Charlevoix.

Treasurer’s Report -Betsy Argo: Corporate Account:  $ x,xxx.xx  State Account: $x,xxx.xx

*Note typo in May Minutes: incorrect amount listed in State Account.

Secretary’s Report – Priscilla Miller: Motion to approve May 19th. Meeting Minutes by Jim Gurr, 2nd. Vicki Bishop. Report: MI House nullification of indefinite detention in NDAA . signed by Gov. Snyder on 12/ 26/ 13 Link to be posted on ACRP web site.

Chairman’s Report – Explained the # of times who, opened and forwarded ACRP emails.

67 people have filed for Precinct Delegates out of 88.  Number of write in Delegates needed: two in Banks, Chestonia, Jordan and Kerney.  Helena, Starr,  one, Forest Home, six. Mancelona, five in #1 precinct and four in # 2 precinct. Must notify township clerk of intent to run, by deadline of Friday, August 1st.

ACRP Funday is July 19th. Brad Brown,”Needs everyone’s help soliciting prizes from local businesses. Patti Nepoth will check with Shanty Creek for rounds of golf.  Jimmy Argo has donated a round trip, airplane ride for three, to anywhere in Northern MI. Count needed for number of dinners, need golf foursomes to sign up. Will be mailing registration forms to Precinct Delegates. Lt. Gov. Calley, Dave Agema, Ruth Johnson, Greg MacMaster and Triston Cole are confirmed speakers.

Primary is Aug. 5th  PD training on Sat. August 9th at 12: p.m. Talk about organizing the 15 townships. Volunteers to be Twp. Generals , break down volunteers into neighborhoods to pass out signs and literature. County Convention will be held at Forest Home Twp. Hall on Thursday, August 14th at 7:p.m.  Will be electing precinct delegates who have paid their dues, are active in the party and informed. The slate of members chosen by the Executive Committee will be presented and discussed at the July meeting.

Ed Boettcher:  a slate can be nominated but still up for a vote.

Randy: concurred Ex. Committee will discuss, and explore this further, then will have an open debate, and vote on it as a group. State Convention is in Novi on Saturday, August 23rd at 7:a.m.

Guest speaker: Alan Arcand, running in the August 5th Primary against Dan Benishek.  Alan is married, with three boys, concerned about their future. A veteran, small business owner, precinct delegate and elected as a delegate to the National Republican Convention. He is Pro-Life, Pro- 2nd. Amendment,  Pro -Traditional Marriage, His web site is

Ed Boettcher asked ACRP to support three Elk Rapids Board members who are threatened with a recall petition drive for “simply wanting to explore options” regarding township ambulance service. Only 350 signatures needed, to put on November, or possibly May ballot.

Randy: We need our people to show up at meetings, held every 2nd Tuesday, of the month at 7: 30 at the Government Center, in Elk Rapids. Will inform ACRP Members via email and Facebook as to times and dates.

Jim Gurr stressed Importance of informed citizenry.


9:09 p.m.Motion to adjourn: Jimmy Argo, 2nd Alan Arcand.