Minutes Of ACRP By Laws Committee Meeting
Meeting convened via telephone conference call on March 14th. at 8:01 p.m.
Participating in the call were Chairman Randy Bishop, Co-Vice Chair Jim Gurr, Secretary Priscilla Miller, Greg Valerio, Steve Grill and Brenda Ricksgers. Excused Committee members; Laura Bogdan, Gerald Averill and Kim MacMaster.
Randy made a motion to ADD the following language to: Article 1- Section 3. Membership; “Any elected official who was duly elected as a “Republican” during the most recently held primary or general election in Antrim County, shall be required to be a dues paying Member of the Antrim County Republican Party for the entire term of their said elected office.”
Said motion was friendly amended by Steve Grill, to add the following language;…”Any candidate who is running as a Republican in a primary or general election in Antrim County shall/must be a member of the Antrim County Republican Party. If they chose not to be a member of the ACRP, the ACRP will not endorse or publicly certify them as a member in good standing of the ACRP. They will not receive any support monetarily or manpower for their candidacy from ACRP. Finally, any candidate must be a paid member in good standing for at least one year prior to any primary election.”
Amended motion was supported by Greg Valerio Discussion followed.
Calling the question: Jim Gurr – Passed with unanimous vote.
Article IV -Section 1; Officers: Randy made a motion to remove the words; ”of the opposite sex of the Chairperson” from the by laws.
Supported by Priscilla Miller. Calling the question: Jim Gurr Passed with unanimous vote.
Motion by Randy Bishop to amend : Article VII – Section 2 to read; It shall be the policy of the Local Party not to endorse or support individual candidates in contested Republican Party primary election, UNLESS determined by a vote of 2/3 of the membership of the ACRP in attendance at a regularly monthly meeting prior to said primary election to make such an endorsement. Supported by Steve Grill: Discussion followed. Calling the question: Greg Valerio Passed with unanimous vote.
In Addition: Priscilla Miller noted under duties of officers; ACRP By Laws state, “Treasurer shall render a statement of the revenues, disbursements, and outstanding obligation, and the cash balance of the Local Party at all regular meetings.” All members voted unanimously to have the ACRP Treasurer adhere to this By Law.
Jim Gurr: made a motion to amend Article IX: Section 3 – Amendment to read: “These By Laws may only be amended by a vote of the membership after the January election of new board officers and executive committee members, via a By Law Committee determination at a vote of a future monthly meeting. Supported by Priscilla Miller. Discussion followed. Randy: Discussion closed. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Priscilla Miller
ACRP Secretary