Archive for November, 2015

A Resolution by the Antrim County Republican Party – “Electric/Energy Package”

Triston Cole and Wayne Schmidt

At it’s November, 2015 normal monthly meeting, the members of the Antrim County Republican Party passed a resolution, (unanimously) for our State Representative – Triston Cole (R) 105th State House District and our State Senator – Wayne Schmidt (R) 37th State Senate District,…to VOTE NO on the upcoming “Electric/Energy Package” (HB 4297, HB 4298 and HB 4575).

Minutes for ACRP October’s Monthly Meeting

Antrim County Republican Party Meeting Minutes for 10/19/15 at Forest Home Twp. Hall

Meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. Chairman Randy Bishop: Pledge: Invocation: Jimmy Argo

Treasurers Report: Laura Bogdan absent: per Randy: State Account $x,xxx.xx  Corp. $x,xxx.xx

Secretary’s Report: Motion to approve 9/21/15 meeting minutes: Mike Bertram: 2nd Cheryl Guy: Approved

Chairman’s Report: Citizen’s initiative petition drive to repeal prevailing wage law.  252,000. signatures needed,  391,000. signatures collected. Once Bureau of Elections and SOS validate them, petitions will be turned over to the state legislators. They have 40 days to adopt the motion and it immediately becomes law. No signature of the governor required. If legislature does not act, referendum will automatically be on the November 2016 ballot.

Snyder not in favor: Leadership doesn’t want to push issue: May make a deal with Dems: Not to bring it to a vote: Dems. will cross over to vote on raising fuel tax increase. If placed on ballot: Dems./ unions will be out in force to defeat it. Will cost millions of dollars to convince public to vote in favor. (Money that could go to help elect candidates.)  Call State Rep. Cole and State Senator Schmidt: Tell them to take off the table: allow up or down vote.

Bill Bailey: question on Headley Amendment:  Randy: Any tax increases shall be put on the ballot and approved by voters.  Jim Gurr: They have gotten away with passing tax increases without putting on ballot, for so long it’s never been challenged. Amendment was passed in 1978 some legislators don’t even know about it.

Next Presidential GOP Debate: Wed. Oct. 28th.

Gov. Snyder sent out Press Release: 10 cities across state chosen: Newberry, Central Lake, Grayling , Evart, Harrison, Sandusky, Charlotte, Paw Paw, Hillsdale: pilot program: MEDC  will work with local leaders to create economic prosperity and better jobs. : Randy explained statistics used to determine why Central Lake, was chosen over Mancelona.

Christian Markus: Did any of these towns have opportunity to ask questions? Was anyone contacted before final decision? Jim Gurr: “No”

Randy: Anyone running for office: please contact Randy. (Setting up meetings with incumbents next week) Jim Gurr: Suggested Party host a candidate open house.

Discussed board vacancies available within the county. Applications can be found on web site: Oct. 28th deadline for filing.

Randy: Donation from Corporate acct. to Moms and Tots  fundraiser. Sponsored one family for $225. ACRP will be listed as a donor.  Discussion ensued. Explanation of difference between State Acct. (membership dues and donations) Corporate Acct. (Golf Outing fundraiser)

Christian Markus: Motion to solicit for one Antrim County based  charity each month, on our web site. 2nd. Barbara Bradford: Discussion: Passed unanimously.

Discussion on Christmas Party: Date? Location?  Randy will send a questionnaire to members for a response.

Membership drive: Mike Bertram has a spreadsheet  of elected Republicans: township clerks, supervisors, trustees from Cheryl Guy.  He will be contacting them.

Barb Bradford: Motion to send members a reminder when dues for the year have not been paid. 2nd: Jimmy Argo: Discussion followed: Passed unanimously.

Reminder to share ACRP e-mails with friends.

Priscilla Miller: Status of State Rep. Cole’s letter to Att. General Schutte? Randy: No, waiting for Rep.Scott Dianda (Democrat) to sign it, so it will be bi partisan also, waiting for Speaker Cotter to sign off on it.

Next Meeting Nov. 16th. Motion to adjourn: Bill Bailey/2nd. Kim McMaster


A Resolution by the Antrim County Republican Party

Cotter Meekhof - We will show the Voters    Antrim County Republican Party Resolution
Removal of Michigan’s Speaker of the House – Kevin Cotter and Senate Majority Leader – Arlan Meekhof;

Whereas, the purpose of the Republican Party is to further the ideals and principles set forth in our Party’s Platform in coordination with its District and County committees who work to elect those who will maintain fidelity to that platform, and

Whereas, On May 5th, 2015, the people of the State of Michigan through a state wide referendum overwhelmingly rejected any tax increases for road funding by 80.1% to 19.9%, and

Whereas, both the House and the Senate, under the leadership of the current Speaker and the Majority Leader, acted directly and deliberately against the will and instruction of the people by pressuring our Republican elected Representatives via a “Caucus Loyalty Pledge” and Senators into passing legislation to increase taxes for road funding, and

Whereas, by passage of the legislation, members of the Republican Party in both the House and Senate, have abandoned the party platform and it’s core principles with complete disregard to the expressed wishes of the party’s committees, delegates and members, and

Whereas, the current Republican House Speaker and Senate Majority leader, in cooperation with the Governor, have endeavored to increase taxes, expand government, increase spending, and squander the people’s money, and

Whereas, the current House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader, have demonstrated a lack of fidelity to the party platform, and have exerted pressure on Republicans in both the House and the Senate to abandon our party’s principles and pass legislation in direct opposition to the Republican platform, and

Whereas; Speaker Cotter and Majority leader Meekhof repeatedly misled the public into believing that reprioritizing spending would not provide enough funding for road repair and maintenance, and

Whereas: Michigan Republican Party grassroots volunteers and many donors are quitting the party citing “a loss of confidence” of those they helped get elected under the Republican banner who they believe no longer represent their values, and

Whereas; The Michigan Republican Party risks the loss of future elections as a direct result of elected officials who continue to misrepresent the Republican platform and the principles therein, and

Whereas; Legislative leadership within the Republican caucus are responsible for both setting the tone and bringing forth legislation to be voted on.

Therefore, be it resolved the members of the Antrim County Republican Party, seek remedy for the ongoing violations of trust by Michigan legislators elected under the Republican banner and the continuing abuse of trust by members of the House and the Senate, and demand immediate removal of the current Speaker and Senate Majority Leader by whatever means available, and the selection of new leadership for the remainder of this term who will constantly demonstrate fidelity to the Republican party platform and work to implement its planks into shaping future public policy.

Be it further resolved, that the Antrim County Republican Party hereby directs the Secretary and/or Issues Committee to make our position known to all Congressional District Chairs, County Chairs, the delegates of the 1st Congressional District, and the Michigan State Republican Party Leadership in a timely manner.

Dated on this 16th day of November, 2015;

Submitted by Randy Bishop – Chairman,
to be submitted to the Members of the Antrim County Republican Party, at it’s regular monthly meeting for their approval.

  • Next Monthly Meeting; – To Be Determined for 2025

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