MacMaster Logo FinalKEWADIN – Greg MacMaster, Republican candidate for the 37th Senate District, Michigan, has earned the endorsement of key grassroots, conservative Republican leaders.

Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra, former Speaker of the House Rick Johnson, Republican National Committeeman and former State Representative, Dave Agema, former Michigan Republican Party Chairman, Republican National Committeeman Saul Anuzis and former Republican National Committeeman Chuck Yob top the list of endorsements.

“Greg MacMasters’ voting record proves his conservative stance to protect the rights of Michigan residents .  He’s proven himself to be a man of conviction and character whose shown he’s not afraid to stand with and for his constituents.  Greg’s vision represents the future that Michigan needs to restore economic growth and prosperity.” said PETE HOEKSTRA.

“Serving in the legislature as a State Representative, I have never met a more fiscally responsible, conservative legislator.  His voting record demonstrates that he is for the people and not special interests.  He listens to his constituents and does what is right.” said DAVE AGEMA.

“This 37th Senate race,…it is just TOO important NOT to endorse Greg MacMaster as our next State Senator”, said Randy Bishop.   “After walking up on the other candidate for this seat conspiring with Dennis Lennox in the lower level of the Grand Hotel, (just outside of the men’s bathroom during this weekend’s Republican Leadership Conference) told me all that I needed to confirm what I already knew about that other candidate and realized right then we must fully support Greg MacMaster right NOW in order to counter the “dirty tactics”,…these two might use during this State Senate race.” Bishop added.

“I’m honored to receive such a broad spectrum of support from people that are pillars in the Michigan Republican Party, some of which have been involved in the party for a number of years,” said MacMaster. “It’s humbling that so many people have come out to support me this early in the campaign.”

I’m excited to include these party leaders and elected officials to the list as well:

Hank Fuhs, Secretary, Michigan Republican Party

Linda Lee Tarver, Ethnic Vice Chair, Michigan Republican Party

Blake Edmonds, Youth Vice Chair, Michigan Republican Party

Victor Diaz, Vice Chairman for Coalitions, Michigan Republican Party

Tony Stackpoole, Chairman, Chippewa County GOP

Randy Bishop, Chairman, Antrim County GOP and Former Candidate for the 37th Senate

Tom Stillings, Former 1st U.S. Congress Candidate and Fmr. 1st District Vice Chair

John Haggard, Former Chair Charlevoix GOP and GOP State Committeeman

Senator Pat Colbeck

State Representative Pat Sommerville

Fmr. Senator Phil Hoffman

Greg MacMaster is in the middle of his 2nd term as State Representative and ranks as one of the more conservative legislators in the House of Representatives. If you want to learn more about him, please visit his campaign’s website at: