Antrim County Republican Party – Meeting Minutes for 2/16/15 at Forest Home Twp. Hall
Meeting convened at 7:36 p.m. Chairman Randy Bishop lead the Pledge of Allegiance: County Commissioner-Christian Marcus gave the invocation.
Chairman reviewed November’s unapproved meeting minutes (no meeting in Dec. no quorum of officers at Jan. meeting) Chair: Motion to approve, 2nd. Tom Stillings. Passed
Chairman reviewed January minutes, moved to approve 2nd. Myron Curtis. Passed
Treasurer Laura Bogdan: is out of town, will have Treasurer’s report at March 16th meeting.
Chair provided brief synopsis on the Michigan Conservative Union and went over their list of endorsed candidates running for 1st District positions at the state convention.
State Party Chair-Norm Hughes
State Party Co Chair-Marian Sheridan
Chairman-Adrian Poulisse
Secretary-Devin Lawrence
Treasurer-Tony Sharkey
State Committee-(3 women & 3 males)
Michael Bancroft
Tom Stillings
Brian Sommerfield
Mary Sears
Miriam Handrich
Karen Renny
Vice-chair 35- Steve Yoder
Vice-chair 36- Mike Vickory
Vice-chair 37- Randy McClure
Vice-Chair 38- Barbara Kramer
101- Karen Josephus & Penny Nelson
103- Tom Backers
104- Matt Schoech & Linda Witt
105- Larry Corell & Randy Bishop
106- Vinny Szczerowski
107- Ralph Pruder & Abby Bell
108- Leon Felch & Judi Schwalbach
109- Justin Carlson
110- Keith Almli & Eric Cadeau
Chaiman: stressed important for ACRP Delegation “to speak with one voice.”
Skype interview with Adrian Poulisse: Gave a brief bio about himself. Favors a closed primary. Shared favoritism issues taking place within the 1st. Dist Committee, under chairmanship of Jesse Osmer, 1st Dist Board lost 50% of it’s membership since he became chair. 1st. Dist. needs to work with all 32 districts, unlike Osmer who only works with friendly ones.
Skype interview with Norm Hughes: Experience counts, proven leadership, held three positions in Reagan administration. “Wants the party to be the best that it can be.” To ‘brand’ the party so voters know the differences between the two party’s. Does not favor May 5th. ballot proposal. Money to fix roads can be found without raising sales tax. End prevailing wage.
Discussion on Antrim County Commissioners vote to make a one time donation to Mancelona Area Water and Sewer Authority for the purpose of initiating phase 1 of a short term TCE plume related construction projects, contingent on matching funds provided by MDEQ.
Steve Grill: explained ACUTE’s purpose. A loosely formed group to get safe drinking water for people affected by the plume. “Whole point was to finally get something going. “
Chairman: showed map of TCE plume. Plume is already through Schuss, dumping into Cedar River 100-500 ft. thick contaminating 13 trillion gallons of water.
Lengthy discussion on County Commission continued. Priscilla Miller: questioned purpose of said discussion at ACRP meeting. Tom Stillings : Very important, people making decisions are voted into these positions. Scott brought up issue of holding commission meetings at night.
Chairman: pointed out that Antrim Co. only county in the State of Michigan still operating with a Abstract Dept. at a cost of $110,000. a year.
Chairman: March 16th ACRP meeting “a big meeting” bring guests, information of May 5th ballot proposal.
9:10 p.m. Motion to adjourn: Vicki Bishop, 2nd. Dr. Hoadley