Come party at the Antrim County Conservative Union’s 6th Annual “Fun Shoot, Pig Roast and Fund-Raiser for the Antrim County GOP” with special Guest Speakers and Event Sponsors.
Bring your firearms and ammunition!!! The Gun Ranges will be open at 12 Noon, so upon arrival feel free to go straight to the ranges and check in with the Gun Range Safety Officers.
NOTE; Please bring young people to this year’s event. We will be providing Gun Saftety Training for anyone who has never handled or fired a firearm, especially young people!!!
GUEST SPEAKERS – To be confirmed and announced
One of our Event Sponsors – Rob Cortis will be there with his
“TRUMP UNITY BRIDGE”,…come get your TRUMP & DOGE gear!!!
The Pork provided by Village Market – Rick Young in Elk Rapids
and will be prepared by Ian Murphy – Owner of the
Iron Pig Smokehouses in Gaylord!!!
This Year’s Sponsors (so far)
Friske’s Farm Market in Ellsworth, MI
Village Market – Elk Rapids – Rick Young
Curtiss Gunsmithing – Tom Curtiss
Great North Firearms Training – Brett & Tami Gooding
Trump Unity Bridge – Rob Cortis
Iron Pig Smokehouses – Gaylord – Ian Murphy
This will be an outdoor event at the private property of Richard Davis, located at; 3220 Muckle Road, Central Lake, MI 49622.
Click on this link and put in Your Location, for driving directions;
Link to 3220 Muckle Rd.,Central Lake, MI
The gate will open at 12 Noon!!!
Security will be checking your tickets and instructing you
where to park, and how to go directly to the Gun Ranges,
or non-Shooters go directly to the Pavilion.
The property has multiple gun ranges (handguns, shotguns &
long rifles & the Davis’ “Pin Shoot” will be set up).
Please bring your own firearms and ammunition.