ACRP Meeting  Minutes – November, 17th. 2014  Forest Home Twp. Hall, Bellaire, MI

Continued after ACRP County Convention:

Tom Stillings: Report on Thank you letter from Att. General Bill Schutte, recognizing Antrim County, along with Emmet, for pulling the largest number of votes of all other counties in Northern MI.

Laura Bogdan: Treasurer’s Report, $ x,xxx.xx  Corporate Acct.  $ x,xxx.xx State Acct.

Tom Sommerfeldt: Reminded members to pay 2015 dues. Randy will be sending e-mail reminder: You can pay dues with Credit Card, on line at Click on “DONATE” top of page:   Enter Republican friends and neighbors e-mail address under “Subscribe to E-mail updates” on the site : e-mail will be sent inviting them to accept.  Important to build party membership in preparation for 2016.

Discussion on whether to ask for resignation of James Braun, an elected Republican Precinct Delegate,  because of his involvement in spearheading a recall election against fellow Republicans on the Elk Rapids Township Board. Graydon DeCamp: spoke on behalf of Braun. Tom Sommerfeldt: Problems were Issue based, not political: Jim Gurr: Electorate has spoken, recall failed, will vote to keep Braun. ER Township Board Members targeted in recall, offered their input on matter. Tom Stillings: As a matter of procedure, made a motion that Braun be asked to resign as precinct delegate. 2nd. Dr.Hoadley:  Motion defeated. Braun will not be asked to resign.

Six members volunteered to serve on the ACRP Executive Committee: Jim Gurr: Dawn LaVanway: Cherie Hogan: Greg Valerio:  Patty Niepoth: Bill Bailey:  Randy asked for any additional volunteers: Bill White, Mike Bertram and Gerald Averill also volunteered,  for a total of nine, plus the four Executive Board members, for a total of thirteen.

Triston Cole: motion to amend bylaws:  to allow for the election of the nine executive committee members at a future meeting.  Tom Stillings: 2nd. Elected precinct delegates voted unanimously in favor. Tom Stillings: moved nominations be closed. 2nd. Jim Gurr

Randy Bishop:  Need to join with other influential GOP groups. Grow the party, raise money for 2016. Oakland and Kent Counties, operate with a goal of 1% membership based on population.  Last census in Antrim County was 24,580. Our goal should be 246 members attending our monthly meetings.  Third Annual Fun Day Event already scheduled on ACRP web site. Don Lukins: Shared ideas on getting information out to the public, grow the party.

Randy Bishop: Committees will be formed at next meeting in January. Discusssion on endorsement of candidates. Asking Republican candidates and elected officials to join ACRP?  Move meetings around the county?

Vote of elected precinct delegates to allow amending the ACRP by laws via a committee to be formed at next meeting. Passed unanimously.

Dawn Lavanway gave update on status of her election results. Election was certified today. She has asked for a recount in Echo and Jordan Townships.

Jimmy Argo invited members to his home for ACRW meeting and lunch.

9:00 p.m. Tom Sommerfeldt: Motion to adjourn   2nd: Jim Gurr