Antrim County Republican Party Meeting Minutes for 9/21/15 at Forest Home Twp. Hall

Meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. Chairman Randy Bishop: Pledge, Invocation: Jim Gurr

Treasurer’s Report – Laura Bogdan absent: Randy read the report: Just under $x,xxx.xx in Corporate Account.  $x,xxx.xx in Campaign Account.  ACRP made a $80.00 donation to Dave Agema’s Top Gun Conservative PAC.

Review and approval of August meeting minutes posted at (Repeal Prevailing Wage petitions:) (Anyone wanting to run for office in 2016:) (Resolution to have State Rep. Cole submit a letter to Att. Gen. Schutte regarding purchase of Capitol View Building. Rep. Cole received the resolution.) (Triston also notified:  Per the State Constitution, Legislature needs to fund the roads, schools and prisons, as top priority.) Motion to approve Greg Valerio 2nd. Bill Bailey.  Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman’s Report – Randy Bishop: Report on petition drive to repeal prevailing wage law from 1965. 252,000. signatures were needed .  391,000. signatures collected. Once Bureau of Elections and SOS validate them, they petition will be turned over to the state legislators. They have 40 days to adopt the motion and it immediately becomes law. No signature of the governor is required. If legislature does not act, the referendum will automatically be on the November, 2016 ballot.

Reviews:  of Presidential candidate debate.  Mackinaw Conference: Benishek not running again. Peter Pettalia considering running for this seat. Jason Allan still undecided, quite sure Tom Casperson will also run.  Lee Chatfield is also considering running at this time. Recap of Presidential candidates that appeared at conference. Ron Paul won the Straw Pole.

MI Republican Caucus: Triston has reached out to 74th District State Rep. Robert VerHeulen to co-sign letter to Attorney General – Bill Schutte regarding Capitol View Building.  Democratic 110th District State Rep. Scott Dianda will also sign the letter giving it bi partisan support.  Confident letter will be drafted and sent to Att. General this month.

Congratulations! Representing Antrim County, Brad and Joan Brown were named this year’s Top Republicans.

Discussion on the vacancies left by two state representatives and their conservative voting records. Both have filed to run in the special election.

Jim Gurr: Commented on media coverage of possible candidates to replace Benishek. Questioned if they have been paying attention.  We need to contact the mainstream media and let them know that we do not care for political establishment Republicans.  Several others are considering running for that seat.

Discussion on the 22 House seats open in 2016 and economic development in Antrim County.

Membership forms available on line at

SOS Report: Article on Legal foundation’s law suit against counties with inaccurate voter registrations. Antrim County has 107% Registered Voters. County Clerk Cheryl Guy: People registering at SOS Office: Not completing their forms. Twp. Clerk and the County isn’t getting the information. Unless someone notifies the clerk’s office of a move, or death, it takes six years to cancel someone who has not voted. Clerk’s office constantly searching local death notices to remove deceased voters. Double checking all township rolls looking for duplicate voter registrations. Sending revised master lists back to Townships, for comparison to their voter cards. Legal council sending a response to legal foundation  Advised MI Statute places responsibility on state and local responsible. Discussion followed on possible remedies followed.

Secretary Priscilla Miller: Brought up the following: ‘House Republican Caucus Member Pledge’ posted on Facebook by Cindy Gamrat.  In part says,  “I will stand together with my caucus on difficult votes and issues” Discussion ensued.

Road funding package coming up again. Support “Choice” on Energy Bill.  If they  eliminate competition, electric bills will increase. and result in a manopoly. Bill Bailey : Asked about Medicaid Expansion. Fed. Government has funded until 2017.   200 million shortfall will be tied to the road funding bill.   600,00 people have signed up for Medicaid.  Contact Rep. Cole.

Jim Gurr: Long standing struggle between conservatives and the Republican Party. The party we read about in the news is virtually indistinguishable from the Democrats.

Randy explained the ‘Splitter Strategy’. No coincidence so many candidates in the race. Must win  eight primary states to make it to convention. In various states, certain candidates will pull enough votes away from conservative candidates, so that party favorite, Jeb Bush wins. Randy: Discussion on December Christmas Party and ideas for giving to a local charity.

Next meeting is October 19th, 2015.

Greg Valerio: Motion to adjourn,  2nd Bill Bailey.  Meeting adjourned at  9:22 p.m.