By Adrian M. Poulisse, 1st Congressional District Secretary
Some of us have worked hard for unity. Unfortunately, the Michigan Senate just passed Medicaid Expansion after Senator Tom Casperson switched his vote after the bill came up again today for reconsideration. We elected party officials have a duty but at times like this it becomes hard.
I feel betrayed, bitter, and have lost hope. It saddens me that my party who I work hard for, sacrifice for, and the party I constantly promote taking actions like this. The quality of our leadership will be important in these next few months and throughout this next election year. We will either see a party come together or we will see all out civil war in the political sense of course.
I applaud Senator Darwin Booher and Representative Ray Franz who which currently represents me for voting no on this expansion of government.
Unity could be lost with so many within our party drawing the line in the sand on this topic. Personally, I was at the steps of our National Capital and on stage for the protests when Obama Care was passed. I have participated in numerous walks and Tea Party rallies in Michigan and Washington D.C. This issue may save the state money but it does not save us money. Obama Care costs the nation billions. We the tax payers will not save. It saddens me to see elected GOP officials, party members, county chairs and others make the argument that this saves our state money.
This is not just a financial issue. This is a moral issue. This is an issue where most will not compromise. We can all find compromise to some level on financial issues. Unfortunately, this will divide us and will be a major factor in 2014. We will see division in our county, district and state party. We will see primary challengers step up against incumbents. We will see some of the most divisive conventions we have ever seen.
Our leadership in the house, senate, and our governor has taken up this issue. They passed it without even getting a majority of the GOP caucus. We the precinct delegates, county executive boards and district leadership will have a tough time over the next year. Divisive primaries will not be our only issue. Our local groups will be hit by turned off activists who will no longer sacrifice their weekends and evenings working for our candidates.
Decreased local support will hurt our candidates up and down the ballot. 2014 was looking promising and now I fear it may be in jeopardy. Medicaid expansion (Obama Care) could likely alter this state and country. We could end up losing the vacant senate seat and thus cost a GOP majority in the US Senate. We could lose our slim majority in the state house. We will likely lose our governor race because our own party sits it out or votes third party.