Date: Monday, January 15, 2018
Place: Forest Area Township Hall, Bellaire, Michigan

7:37pm meeting called to order by Randy Bishop followed by Pledge of Allegiance.
Opening Prayer led by Jim Gurr.

Treasurer Report: Gregg Valerio, motion to approve Barb Bradford, 2nd Rob Bargy, all approved.

Secretary Report: Cherie Hogan, motion to approve Sherry Combden, 2nd Rob Bargy, all approved.

Chairman’s Report: Randy Bishop;

For the U.S Senate Seat Bob Young is out, down to John James, Sandy Pensler, and Bob Carr.
Both Pensler and Young have changed their views to Pro-Life and Pensler has put 5 million into
his own campaign. Debbie Stabenow now has 9.9 million in her war chest.

Vice Chairman – Jim Gurr reported on a telephone conference call involving the 1st District Committee request that the Districts blanket endorse candidates early on in the process. Jim objected to this and the vote eventually was overwhelming NOT to endorse early all of the incumbent Republicans, but to endorse Tom Leonard for Attorney General and Bill Schuette for Governor, BOTH of which are running in open primaries against other Republican candidates.

There was a long discussion on car insurance rates and the strategy by some Republicans who are using
the issue to support Tonya Schuitmaker, who is also running for Attorney General.

Randy has done a lot of work putting together ACRP’s first ever Governor’s Debate scheduled for
Thursday June 28, 2018 at Shanty Creek in Bellaire. So far, candidates Senator Patrick Colbeck, Lt
Governor Brian Calley and Dr. Jim Hines have confirmed. Still waiting on Attorney General Bill Schuette but
Tom Stillings will talk to Schuette.

The room at Shanty Creek holds 200 with the capability of expanding to 800. The VIP reception will start at 5pm and will cost $100 per ticket. Dinner/Debate tickets ONLY, will be $60 per person.

There will be a choice between three entrees. A straw pole will be taken after the debate.
Randy has set the entire event up through Eventbrite ( where tickets purchased early will allow us to get advances on our money that we will use to promote this event.

Eventbrite will charge a $7 fee per $100 ticket and $5 fee per $60 ticket. Dinner Entree choices (Chicken Cordon Bleu, Great Lakes Whitefish or Northern Michigan Flank Steak) will be made through Eventbrite at time of your ticket purchase.

Last date to buy tickets will be Thursday June 14th. We will need to work hard to make this a successful event. Shanty Creek will only charge us for tickets sold.

Great job, Randy! An interesting sidenote here; Randy contacted Steve Bannon who wanted $20,000 and Vice President Mike Pence could not come because of no Homeland Security in Antrim County.

Randy is looking for a committee to help with this event as well as a Chairperson for GET OUT THE VOTE. The Democrats are challenging every single Republican County Commissioner in 2018.

-Jack Bergman is kicking off his campaign January 26 in Gaylord and January 27 in Traverse City.
-State of the Union Day Party at Streeters, Tuesday January 30, 6pm $10 per person.
-Discussion on how to increase membership. Greg MacMaster suggested putting together a card offering discounts from local merchants to create incentives to join the ACRP.
-Reminder to turn in your Precinct Delegate forms
-Next meeting date is Monday February 19th, same place, same time.

-Motion to adjourn made by Tom Stillings, second by Kim MacMaster, all approved, adjorned at 9:04 pm.

Cherie Hogan – Secretary
Antrim County Republican Party