Meeting called to order at 7:42 pm by Randy Bishop at Elk Rapids location. Eleven in attendance. Fourteen in attendance at Forest Home Township Hall. (Kim MacMaster absent)
Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation by Christian Marcus.
Treasurer Report: Gregg Valerio, all approved
Secretary Report read by Randy Bishop, all approved
Chairman Report:
Jim Hines – Doctor from Saginaw running for Governor
State Senator – Patrick Colbeck petitions to sign to get him on the ballot as he is running for Governor.
AG – Bill Schuette and Lt. Gov. – Brian Calley have not announced yet.
Lena Epstein (Co-C hair of the Trump campaign in Michigan) and Robert Young (former Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court) running for Senate against Debbie Stabenow.
There are a number of ballot proposals. 1st ballot proposal is to repeal the prevailing wage law (repeals public act 166 of 1965 which forces contractors to pay union scale to their workers). Repeal would allow competition bidding and save taxpayers dollars.
Other proposals; LGBT looking to extend Elliot-Larsen expanding their ‘special rights’ status, wolf hunting in U.P., equality question fair pay for women, $15.00 minimum wage, and a proposal (introduced by Brian Calley) for a part-time legislature which would require legislators to spend 90 days in Lansing, then the rest of their time in their home district, cut their pay in half and eliminate lame duck sessions and lobbyist access. Randy says some of these the Democrats are using to get out their base in the next election.
Golf Outing- get flyers out, try to recruit golfers and members, dinners are coming in slowly. Keynote speaker is Tom Leonard and his legislative agenda for 2017.
There have been two responses from our membership flyer effort. Very disappointing.
There were some questions about clarification on red/white/blue sponsors on the flyer.
Discussion on writing rebuttal letters to the editors of the local newspapers when Democrats attack Congressman Bergman or other elected Republicans. Randy read the snowflake letter from the Elk Rapids press. Both Tom Stillings and Tom Backers wrote rebuttals to the paper but the editor did not print so Maryanne Jorgenson is going to reach out to the editor to see if we can get our letters printed. The Bellaire Review does print our rebuttals. Randy is encouraging everyone to get involved and stay involved.
Due to the golf outing in July the next ACRP meeting will be on Monday, August 21st at the Forest Home Township Hall.
Note; this meeting was conducted at two different locations but internet connection was faulty and we had to use a cell phone.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 by Tom Stillings, second by Vicky Bishop. All approved.
Respectfully submitted by Cherie Hogan, Secretary