Antrim County Republican Party Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 21, 2014 Forest Home Twp.. Hall

7:37 Meeting called to order, prayer led by Chairman – Randy Bishop

Introduction of Executive Committee Members.

Motion to approve March 17th, ACRP Meeting Minutes: Mr. Meyers: 2nd Christian Markus:  Approved without objection.

Secretary’s Report: Priscilla Miller, on ACRW Meeting. Brian Koss, Member Relations Director for the State GOP, introduced Danielle Branz, new Regional District Director,  based in Traverse City.  Koss invited people to sign up as Precinct Leaders, at web site, to work at a grassroots level organizing workers to go door to door, make calls and put up signs. Expressed importance of new ‘Dashboard’ software, that allows workers access to walking, and call lists, enter names of clubs and organizations, to identify Republican voters. Digital Director training available on using Social Media, for targeting voters via Facebook & Twitter.

Congressman Dan Benishek, is being challenged in the primary by Air Force Veteran, Alan Arcand, from Iron Mountain.

Treasurer’s Report: Laura Bogdan:

Corporate Account:  $x,xxx.xx

State Account:  $x,xxx.xx

Chairman – Randy Bishop’s Report:

Laura Bogdan is in charge of “goodie” bags, for State GOP Committee Meeting members, at Shanty Creek Conference Center, on May 2nd and 3rd.(ACRP Fun Day add. printed on side of bags). Brad Brown, has solicited donations to fill bags, with Antrim County informational brochures, dried cherries, fudge, pocket constitutions and trinkets. ACRP Members are encouraged to show up on Friday, by 5:00 p.m. to greet committee members, at the Pizza & Politics event, are asked to wear red ACRP tees, blue pants and white shoes.

Filing deadline for all candidates running in the Michigan Primary, is April  22nd at 4:00p.m. Go to, click on ‘Elections in Michigan’ for all election information.

Asking members to recruit people in their precincts, to run for precinct delegate positions. Deadline for filing Precinct Delegate Affidavits of Identity, is Tuesday, May 6th. at 4 p.m.

Delegates will be our “boots on the ground” talking to neighbors (word of mouth is important) working to put out signs, pass out literature and helping to elect Terry Lynn Land  to U.S. Senate. Getting Land elected, is “paramount”, could be 51st vote, to take control from Harry Reid.  Other candidates running, will be elected on her “skirt tails”. Our goal is to fill all 88 delegate positions. Banks Twp.. gets 7, Central Lake 8, Chestonia 2, Custer 5, Echo 3, Elk Rapids 11, Forest Home 8, Helena 4, Jordan 3, Kearny 7, Mancelona Precinct One 5, Mancelona Precinct two 4, Milton 10, Star 3, Torch Lake 6, Warner 2.  Delegate training session will follow election.  Delegates will be expected to pass out literature and hand out signs in your precincts. Would like all delegates to join the party only $ 20.

Triston Cole: Make sure you try to get 18 year olds, to run as Precinct Delegates.

Jim Gurr: To go to State Convention, you must be a precinct delegate.

Randy Bishop: There’s a new rule change we are going to discuss at a future meeting, where we put together a slate of members who pay their dues, attend meetings and training, people who are most informed, most engaged, to be the ones representing us at the state convention. This election is far too important, we must get all delegate spaces filled, this is our army to get out the vote.

Sign up  friends and neighbors, to receive ACRP E-mail updates, go to and enter their e-mail address.

ACRP Fun Day will take place at A-GA- Ming Golf Resort, on Saturday July 19th. 18 Hole Scramble at 1:00 p.m. No airplane or motorcycle rides this year due to candidate speakers. BBQ buffet, at 5:00 p.m.Ticket prices: BBQ $25. Golf, including buffet $75.  Proceeds go to our State Campaign account. To register for this event go to ACRP website  Click on ‘Future Events’ .

Christian Marcus: Urges members to attend just one, Antrim County Commissioner’s Meeting to see what goes on. Early morning meetings prevent working people from attending or running for commission positions. Discussed benefits of having meetings held  evenings, would result in better participation and attendance.

9:03 p.m. Motion to Adjourn Christian Markus, 2nd. Dr. Hoadley